Medical and pharmaceutical translations
Medical and pharmaceutical translation is not a task for just any translator. Mastering the source language and the target language is just one of the essential requirements for impeccable performance. The chosen translator must have multiple years of experience in the field and direct knowledge of the medical and pharmaceutical sector, its specific language and technical terminology.
An extremely high level of attention and precision is required in the translation of medical texts. Text types include package leaflets for medicinal products, pharmaceutical products, patient medical records, biological tests, medical reports, technical data sheets and instruction manuals for electromedical equipment and medical devices, clinical trials, medical and scientific articles, articles in specialist journals, advertising campaigns and documentation for the marketing of a drug, commercial initiatives, as well as the localisation of user interfaces for medical equipment, platforms, software and apps.

Specialisation in medical and pharmaceutical translations
Given the extremely technical nature and the implications of medical and pharmaceutical translations, exceptional care is required throughout the process. This is why CMT fully respects the international quality standards of ISO 17100:2015 (Translation services – Requirements for translation services) and ISO 9001:2015, as well as the guidelines of the FDA, EMA and AIFA and generally all medicines agencies in the countries where the drugs are marketed.
Proof-reading and checks
In addition to the regular practices envisaged by the ISO certifications held by CMT, additional checks are carried out before delivery including cross-checks with terminology glossaries, checks of correct quantities in the composition of the pharmaceutical product and proper packaging layouts.
Despite there being two sets of checks, extremely quick delivery times are still guaranteed thanks to a harmonious and well-tested organisation.
Sworn or notarised translation, legalised or apostilled translation and certified translation
Sworn translations and legalisation or apostilles from courts or notary offices can also be obtained when the documentation in the foreign language requires an official document that certifies the correspondence of the translated text with the original, or when the sworn translation must have legal value in a foreign country.
When such a high level of certification is not required, simply ask CMT for a
declaration of correspondence and quality of the translation through a certified translation.

A secure platform for medical and pharmaceutical translations
Our secure file sharing system is also available for medical and scientific translations to ensure maximum security and compliance with GDPR (read more here).
CMT is ready to support you with your medical and pharmaceutical translations:
- translation of SmPCs and package leaflets
- translation of medical records
- translation of medical reports and visits
- translation of medical manuals and books
- translation of electromedical devices
- translation of scientific articles