Translation of technical documents and manuals

Translating technical and administrative documents and product manuals is not the favourite task of any business. But if you’re working with foreign countries or selling products on the international market, the translation of documents such as certificates of labour compliance (DURC, in Italy) or instructions for machinery cannot be overlooked, as tedious as it may be.

Technical texts and manuals

Technical translation is necessary for companies that operate with international customers or on international markets. In some cases, these administrative documents are needed for operational or bureaucratic reasons: safety documents required by law, technical data sheets for using machinery, administrative practices required to take part in international tenders and so on. But technical translation also involves manuals, namely any document needed by end users to use the product or service sold by the company. This category includes product data sheets, labels, instructions for use, user guides and technical data sheets.

Translation of technical documents by CMT

These text types require precise translation and in many cases must also follow terminology used at international level or contained in the reference legislation of the various countries of operation or marketing. CMT has a pool of translators specialised in various technical fields and language combinations, so as to provide a high-quality turnkey service for the translation of technical texts and manuals in general.

Our strengths in technical translation include:

  • native translators who are specialised in various sectors
  • a thorough process of translation, review and formal checks for maximum accuracy
  • the use of translation software to guarantee consistent terminology use in the different sections of the text
  • comprehensive project management thanks to dedicated project managers
  • compliance with UNI EN ISO 17100:2017 certification
  • possibility to certify or notarise translations required for international tenders, and much more